Joint Replacement Surgery

Our orthopedic surgeons in West Palm Beach, Florida, may recommend joint replacement surgery when more conservative treatment options are not enough to remove pain.

Using Surgical Techniques Based on What’s Best for You

At Good Samaritan Medical Center, we know that you turn to us because you want to stop pain from limiting what you can do in life. We provide various types of joint replacement surgery using different techniques. We offer traditional, minimally invasive and robotic surgeries, depending on what’s best for your condition. 

Our West Palm orthopedics team, comprised of orthopedic surgeons, doctors, nurses, technologists and administrative staff, is committed to guiding you through the entire process of joint replacement, from preparation through rehabilitation. Some of the things you can expect in our joint pain program are as follows:

  • Personalized education before and after surgery where our orthopedic doctors and care team also answer questions
  • Comprehensive rehabilitation programs to help you recover faster

Which Conditions May Need Joint Replacement Surgery?

When your joints hurt, it may feel like there’s never any relief. The pain can sometimes be merely discomforting and, other times, disrupt your life. Your doctor may recommend joint replacement surgery if you’re suffering from any of the following conditions or injuries:

  • Arthritis
  • Bone tumors
  • Fractures
  • Genetic predisposition to abnormal cartilage metabolism
  • Loss of joint cartilage
  • Minor repetitive injuries
  • Noninflammatory or inflammatory degenerative joint disease
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteonecrosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Severe trauma to the joint cartilage
  • Torn ligaments

The pain might be a symptom of a degenerative joint disease like osteoarthritis. Physical therapy and pain management through medication as degenerative joint disease treatment might not be enough, leaving surgery as a possible option. Don’t let the fear of joint replacement keep you from living a life free of pain.

What Is Degenerative Joint Disease?

Also known as osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease is the wearing and tearing of tissues in a joint. Repetitive motion may result in structural joint damage, inflammation, redness, pain and swelling. This disease is frequently found in the hands, knees, spine and hips. Degenerative joint disease symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Limited range of motion
  • Loss of flexibility
  • Swelling
  • Weakness in deformed joints

Osteoarthritis symptoms vary in people. For some, osteoarthritis is mild and does not affect their daily activities. For others, it is debilitating. Risk factors include:

  • Aging
  • Joint injury
  • Joint overuse
  • Obesity
  • Musculoskeletal abnormalities
  • Weak muscles
  • Genetics
  • Environmental factors

What Can Be Done for Degenerative Joint Disease?

There is currently no cure for osteoarthritis, but there are ways to help ease joint pain. Joint surgery may be recommended as a last resort. Here are ways to cope with this disease:

  • Medications
    • Analgesics
    • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
    • Counterirritants
    • Corticosteroids
    • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
  • Non-drug therapies
    • Exercise
      • Strengthening exercises
      • Range-of-motion exercises
      • Aerobic or cardio exercises
      • Balance exercises
    • Weight loss
    • Physical therapies and assistive devices
    • Joint surgery

Am I a Candidate for Hip or Knee Replacement Surgery?

Your doctor will determine if you’re a candidate for hip or knee replacement surgery depending on the damage in your joint and loss of function and the effects of joint pain on your day-to-day life. In addition, your doctor may perform several tests and screenings before confirming that you can proceed with a robotic knee or hip replacement surgery. These may include a physical exam, blood tests and imaging tests such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) scan, X-ray or ultrasound.

Phases of Joint Replacement

Before Joint Replacement Surgery

After you and your doctor have decided that joint replacement is your best option, you will need to be medically evaluated to undergo surgery. Once cleared for surgery, you should take the time to learn what to expect and how to prepare.

If you are scheduled for a total joint replacement procedure, Good Samaritan Medical Center offers Total Joint Replacement Preadmission Classes taught by Nursing and Physical Therapy representatives. You will learn what to expect before, during and after your surgery and be able to ask any questions you may have.

The class is on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, from 10  to 11a.m., in the Pre-Admission Testing Room (PAT Room) on the first floor of the hospital.

After Joint Replacement Surgery

We will monitor you for any complications in the recovery room. After you have recovered from the anesthesia and are fully alert, you will be relocated to a regular hospital room. Practice moving the joint as much as possible before starting your physical therapy. A therapist will aid your progress and help manage the pain through medication.

Upon completing physical therapy, you will be discharged from the hospital and given home rehabilitation instructions to regain full mobility in your joint.

How Long Does an Artificial Joint Last?

An artificial joint can last up to two decades or more. However, it may vary based on the materials used in the artificial joint or how much you move and care for yourself. Younger patients may need to have their artificial hips and knees revised during their lifetime.

How Do I Prepare for a Knee or Hip Replacement Surgery?

Here are some tips that can help you prepare for your scheduled knee or hip replacement surgery:

  • Ask your doctor or care team as many questions as possible about your surgery (e.g., hospital admission process, prosthetics or implant options, recovery timeline, medications, what to avoid, rehabilitation, physical therapy options, etc.)
  • Prepare all the documents you need to bring on your surgery date, such as your health insurance card, valid ID, medical records, etc.
  • Ask someone to drive you to the hospital and pick you up once you’re ready to go home
  • Prepare your home for life after surgery (e.g., move objects that may cause you to trip, put items you may need in places you can reach easily, consider adding temporary safety rails in your bathroom or fall-prone areas, etc.)
  • Ask for help from family or friends or hire someone to assist you with household chores, doing errands, etc.
  • Avoid certain medications as advised by your doctor

How Long Will I Stay in the Hospital After Robotic Joint Replacement?

Your doctor may ask you to stay for some time in the hospital for observation. Your stay would depend on your doctor’s assessment and your body’s response after surgery. The course of recovery differs from one individual to another. It may take up to six weeks to resume normal daily activities and participate in physical therapy exercises.

Don’t Let Joint Pain Slow You Down.

Is joint pain slowing you down or keeping you from doing the activities you love? It may be time to consider joint pain treatment and possibly joint replacement surgery. Our orthopedic doctors in West Palm Beach perform joint replacement surgery with utmost quality and compassion.

Whether you have arthritis, an injury, lost cartilage or degenerative joint disease, there’s no better time to get help and regain your strength. Our orthopedic care team at Good Samaritan Medical Center will work with you throughout the process, from your first consultation to recovery. We’ll be there for you, providing the care, support and encouragement you need to get back to life as soon as possible.

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