Women's Heart Health Program

At Good Samaritan Medical Center, we strive to increase awareness and reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in women by providing preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic services through our Women’s Heart Health Program.

Women diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, or who have a family history of heart disease or stroke can all find help through the Women's Heart Health Program.

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease and stroke touch about 44 million women in the United States. Surprisingly, cardiovascular diseases kill one woman almost every minute and cause a third of women’s deaths each year. Women need to educate themselves about:

  • Risk factors: Women are more likely to experience a stroke over the course of their lifetimes than men. Approximately, 90 percent of women have at least one risk factor for heart disease or stroke.
  • Heart attacks: More men survive their first heart attack than women. Women’s heart attack symptoms differ from men’s, so it is crucial for women to be able to interpret their symptoms as well as watch out for them.
  • Prevention: By simply learning about the causes of heart attacks and strokes and making better lifestyle choices women can avoid 80 percent of potential heart attacks and strokes.

At Good Samaritan, we will provide:

  • Individualized treatment plan: We will analyze your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Positive lifestyle changes can severely reduce this risk. Our staff will create a personalized plan for you to get to where you want to be health wise with your diet, exercise habits and stress reduction.
  • Microvascular disease diagnosis and treatment: Microvascular disease, or chest pain without substantial coronary artery blockage, is much more prevalent in women than men. Since microvascular disease affects very small arteries, it is hard for this disease to be caught through regular screenings. Cardiologists are investigating how microvascular disease can influence heart attack risk.
  • Collaboration with other women’s specialists: Heart disease can affect women of any age. Frequently, heart disease is linked to other conditions. Our cardiologists collaborate with:
    • OB/GYNs to treat pregnant women with heart conditions and monitor their progress after delivery.
    • Endocrinologists to treat women with diabetes and navigate the complications.
    • Breast Specialists and Oncologists to mitigate the connection cardiovascular disease and cancer treatments have and their effects on patients.
    • Neurohospitalists to assess patients’ risks for chances of stroke or cardiac related neuro event.

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