Clinical Operation Must Haves

Based on Escalation of COVID Cases and Supply, Equipment Restraint

Necessary changes to PPE supply usage and storage to sustain a level of continued safe patient care with appropriate PPE:

Respiratory Protection For Non-aerosol Producing Care

Surgical, procedural, or ear loop masks. One mask per caregiver for all patients for all shift, preferably behind a face shield

Respiratory Protection For Aerosol Producing Care

N95 respirator: One per caregiver, across multiple shifts. Save in paper bag until next use. Recommend cohort COVID-19 units


  • One gown all shift for multiple patients. Gowns disposed of at end of shift. Best used if cohorted units for multiple positives and PUIs.
  • Non-cohorted patients: one gown per patient, hangs outside the room for re use. Gowns disposed at end of shift.
  • Alternatives include aprons, lab coats, water-repellent type material on top of the gown that is disposed of when soiled

Eye Protection

Face shield or splash rated goggles: Leave on, between patients, but do not touch and remove and disinfect for reuse if dirty & at end of shift


  • Nitrile gloves
  • Rubbermaid® gloves disinfected after use
  • NO double-gloving
  • Vinyl food service gloves, for all activities outside of direct contact with patients and equipment

EVS Cleaning Products

Product: RTU Virex or Oxvir TB, hydrogen Peroxide, Bleach Concentrate to soak dry wipe or microfiber cloth.

Frequency of change: Two cloths in patient room, 1 – 2 in patient restroom. Nursing doing daily high-touch disinfection if caring for COVID patients. Reduce frequency of full cleaning


Reuse gowns for multiple full-daily or terminal cleaning; add a water resistant layer over the gown that can be disposed